ART-Ventures Summer (Ages 5-12)
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ART-ventures with Pigasso and Mootisse
Art explorers learn about real artists, their vision of the world and the materials and techniques they use or used.
Think about famous artists like Picasso, Matisse, van Gogh, Modigliani, Homer and more. Included are fun and funky 3-D projects using unconventional and sometimes kooky, artist’s techniques and materials.
During this art-packed week create vibrant tie-dyed t-shirts, decoupage large paper Mache stars, design leather wristbands and celestial stained glass, and experiment with emotion collages, mosaic art and so much more.
Campers should bring an old t-shirt, water and a snack each day.
When: July 21 - July 25, 2025 from 1pm - 4pm
Where: East Granby Farms Recreation Building (79 North Main Street)
Who: Ages 5-12
Cost: $199
Splish, Splash Art Blast
This inspiring week of ART-ventures sparks creativity, engagement, exploration, and individual expression.
Learn about the fascinating underwater world of seahorses, sea turtles and other wonderful creatures while exploring original art forms and techniques.
Design beach hats, sunglasses, and t-shirts. Create ocean slime and discover the art of mosaics while creating seashell boxes. Sculpt shimmery coral and goofy clay octopuses. Paint ceramic fish banks, and design ocean creature stuffed animals.
Experience painting, printmaking, stained glass, ceramics, collage, mosaics, fabric art and working with clay.
Campers should bring an old t-shirt, a snack and water bottle daily.
When: August 11 - August 15, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Where: East Granby Farms Recreation Building (79 North Main Street)
Who: Ages 5-10
Cost: $199
Inclusion and ADA Accessibility
- East Granby Parks and Recreation is committed to providing inclusive and accessible programs for all individuals. We strive to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and provide reasonable accommodations to facilitate participation in our programs by those with disabilities or medical conditions.
- To ensure that adequate resources are in place for the participant, registration and accommodation requests must be received no later than two weeks prior to the start date of the program.
- Please contact Alicia Van Neil to request accommodation: (860) 653-7660 or
- Additional information may be requested to better understand the participant’s needs.