East Granby Recreation Department
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Summer Camp Granbrook - 1/2 Day Program

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.


Love the idea of having your child outside and a part of our day camp but don't want the full day?  A half day option is just for you!

This is a day camp for children kindergarten to age 12.  Activities include:  arts and crafts, sports, music, water slides, outdoor adventures and adventures. 
A fun way to spend the summer with friends and to make new friends.  Each day is a new adventure.  Our fabulous camp staff will encourage your child to try new activities and enjoy old-time favorites. 
Children will be given a choice to pick different activities throughout the day.  A sports fan?  we have something for you.  An arts and crafts fan?  We have something for you too. 
Can't decide or want to do a little of both - we can make that happen too.

Special guests from last year included Granby Land Trust, East Granby Fire Department, Nourish My Soul and more...

Camp is held rain or shine!  

Camp will be held in one-week sessions.  The Cost per week is $85 per week for town residents and $95 for non-residents.  

We will offer 2 half day options:
* Morning session:  8:30am - 12:30pm
* Afternoon session:  11:30 - 3:30pm
The location of our camp will be at Granbrook Park!

At this time we are still awaiting updated COVID guidelines from the Governor to determine field trips and/or swimming options.  As soon as this information is available we will update our site.

Camp registration closes for the upcoming week on Thursday at noon or when the week fills.  

The medical form listed below is required in order for your child to attend camp.  Please bring it with your child on the first day they attend.

Please remember to register early!

Additional Forms and Files:
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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